For our anniversary Dan took me to NYC for the weekend to do some sightseeing and take in a show. Above is actually the view of the city from Jersey--from our stint in Hoboken. This post is just about a few of our stops (mostly dealing with food...naturally!)

Our first stop in the morning was to Murray's bagels. The city is full of great bagel shops but I had heard this was the best and had never been before so we gave it a whirl. I am picky about my bagels and have always wished that I lived somewhere with a bagel shop on the corner. Anyhow, Murray's has GREAT bagels--soft on the inside, chewy crust, smooth cream cheese. Dan had his the traditional way with lox...I had an everything with plain shmeer.

We were a bit lazy and had our bagels and then started walking around. We were determined to walk as much as possible; we walked the whole day (we're thinking 12 miles total) but we took cabs when it started to get late and we were tired!

For lunch we went to Katz--a former co-worker of mine made me promise to go here at some point during our trip--I love pastrami, so I figured why not. Above are the Half and Fully Pickled Cucumbers from the deli--the "full" pickles were a bit much for me--if you dig straight up vinegar kind of twang these are for you. The Half variety (bright green above) had a little tartness combined with some sweetness along with a fabulous crunch.

I ordered a Pastrami Reuben on rye...the thing was enormous...next time Dan and I will share, but it was by far the best Pastrami Reuben that I have ever tasted; the Katz family know how to do meat right.

We passed the cathedral at a time of day where the spire was reflecting on the building adjacent--I thought that the contrast was intriguing.

I was trying to get a pic of Dan in front of Rockefeller Plaza...can you tell that he was thrilled about posing for me?!?!?! caught!

Dan being a huge hockey fan and general lover of ice skating and hockey rinks, we spent some time just watching folks skate--it was quite amusing and fun. We didn't skate because I didn't have the proper attire (I know...what was I thinking...I had to stop and buy a jacket at one point because it became quite chilly in the evening.)

They had some weird lampposts; I'm not sure if it comes through here but the one above looks like a spider. I was standing in the middle of the sidewalk trying to get this shot...Dan was next to me apologizing to folks passing by for my standing in the way...whoops.

Last stop, Grand Central Market (which is in the train station) for McClure's Pickles...I am a pickle fan and had to grab some while we were in town...yum! I could spend hours in a market; the rows of beauiful produce, meats and cheeses, I'm like a kid in a candy store.
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