Dan surprised me by taking the day off from work (since it fell on a Tuesday this year). I still had to work at my internship in the morning but I was finished by 1pm. When I came home there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a NEW COMPUTER waiting for me.
Can you tell that I was excited...I was excited...thrilled in fact. I have been wanting a macbook for quite some time and my wonderful hubby surprised me with the perfect gift (with a little help from my in-laws...thanks guys!!) Therefore, now you can expect more frequent posts, because I no longer have any excuses!
We then went out for lunch and proceeded to take a hike over the Hudson. We had been wanting to go but just never got around to it until now.
When we returned home to get ready for dinner we took Remi out and then he threw up and wouldn't stop throwing up. Dan and I were worried about him, and at this point it was around 7pm so we too him to the emergency vet where they found that he had a bacterial infection.
They gave him fluids and antibiotics and he fell asleep in my arms on the way home. (As a note he is fine now; once the antibiotics kicked in he felt much better). Though our anniversary didn't turn out as we had planned, it was still a great day.
My parents are celebrating their 31st and my grandparents celebrate their 67th wedding anniversary this year; I'm hoping we'll at least match grandma and grandpa :)
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