Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Garden Work

This first photo is merely proof that I haven't killed mom's Hawaiian plumeria cutting (yet!) I am attempting to keep it nice and cozy with the plastic because our weather is being screwy currently; sorry for the sub-par photo mom but I was being chased off of our deck by a giant bumble bee.

These next two shots are for Court; G planted Japanese tree peonies all around the house and they are currently in bloom. I wanted to take a few quick shots before it rains here and destroys them.

We have our first berry starting to ripen; Dan and I have been carefully watching it waiting until it is fully ripe and ready to pick. G has a whole strawberry patch behind our house so there are plenty more berries to be had, though we do take great pride in our little plant.

Dan and G worked in the garden last weekend; mostly getting rid of most of the large weeds before they till the rest of it under this weekend (when things dry out a bit). We have had rain on and off; it is currently super humid but we are supposed to have a cold front coming through tonight.

If you are wondering if I just took pictures while Dan and G worked, the answer is yes, yes I did. We have a small plot of land allotted for our use by the corner of our deck and I've been working on this little plot trying to improve the soil so that it will be in good shape for next season. I feel no remorse for not helping with the large plot...I was tired!

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